Friday, May 27, 2011

Bad Mood

There is no doubt that there will be times when we will find ourselves in a bad mood. Sometimes we may know why a funk has descended upon us, and other times, we may have no clue at all. However, even though we all experience such periods, it doesn't mean that we have no recourse for dealing with them. Bad moods are a message we are sending to ourselves. Underneath, we usually find something that is making us uncomfortable… something we need to take action on or shift our energy towards in a more positive direction. Often the very reason we're in a bad mood is that we feel helpless or incapable of dealing with a certain situation. 

If you are having difficulties understanding the root of your bad mood, give yourself some space to express the things about your life that may be bothering or worrying you. Chances are the things that come up will be directly tied to those feelings. The best part about this exercise is that once you pinpoint the source behind your bad mood, you will be in a position to do something constructive about it.

One interesting point about bad moods is that they seem to have a magnetic quality and when we are in one, we seem to attract more negative things our way. That's why some "bad mood" days can seem to spiral even further downhill with problems and annoyances that augment our discontent and frustration. When this happens, I think it's important to do something nice for yourself. Enjoy your favorite beverage or snack, find a funny movie or sitcom to watch on the television, or just go for a walk in the park. By turning your attention to something fun or pleasurable, you can try to break the negative energy and hopefully shift your mood.

Another way to break a bad mood is to go somewhere else. Even if all you do is to get up and go to another part of the office or you switch rooms in your home, it can make an enormous difference. Or getting outside for a few minutes to a calm or natural setting may help to change your mood. Another idea is to get some exercise. Exercise doesn't just build muscle and tone the body, it also helps the brain to release chemicals called endorphins that have a positive effect on our moods.

And when you're in a bad mood don't forget about the people around you. If someone asks, make sure to let him or her know that you are just having a tough day and reassure them that that your mood isn't about them. Sometimes, just telling someone that you are in a bad mood can shift your energy to a better place.

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